ALJ Disability Hearings Lawyer With The Experience You Need
A Critical Stage in the Disability Appeals Process
Because initial applications and requests for reconsideration are rarely successful, most people have to have an ALJ disability hearing before the Social Security Administration will award any SSD or SSI benefits. The good news is that the ALJ hearing is the first opportunity you’ll have to actually be able to tell your story to an official decision-maker. It also represents your first realistic chance of success.
For those reasons and more, and whether you call me or someone else — don’t walk into your ALJ disability hearing without an experienced lawyer.
The ALJ disability hearing may be your best opportunity for success. I’m Indianapolis disability attorney Michael G. Myers and with my help during this critical stage of the appeals process, you’ll be ready to put your best foot forward when it’s time for you to attend this official hearing. To learn more — call or contact my law offices today.
What You Need to Know About ALJ Disability Hearings
The prospect of attending an official proceeding in front of an “Administrative Law Judge” from the Social Security Administration intimidates many people. This is normal. What I can also tell you, based on more than a decade of experience with the SSA and disability claims and appeals — is that you’ve probably got nothing to worry about if you walk in prepared.
The hearing itself will usually take place in a fairly informal setting (often a small conference room at an SSA office) and a minimum of four people will be there (you, your attorney, the judge and a court reporter). Some judges like to have a medical expert, a vocational expert or both in the room as well. You may choose to have your own witnesses attend the hearing as well.
The judge will usually begin the hearing by asking questions about your disability, work history and other relevant issues. You may also be questioned by the SSA’s medical or vocational experts. With my help, however, you will know what to expect and how to respond truthfully to these questions but in such a way as to help your claim, not hurt it.
All Disability, All the Time …
There Is No Fee Unless You Receive Benefits
Indianapolis Area: 317-489-4066 / Indiana Toll Free: 888-339-4149
My law firm handles disability claims and appeals for people throughout the central Indiana region. Schedule a free consultation with me today by calling either of the telephone numbers above, or by completing a short online contact form.