Peritoneal mesothelioma is a rare cancer that’s aggressive. It affects the lining of the abdomen and is primarily caused by asbestos exposure. This disease often causes initial symptoms of weight loss and swelling and pain in the abdomen.
These symptoms can severely impact a person’s ability to work, which means that anyone who is diagnosed with this condition may need financial support. For those diagnosed with peritoneal mesothelioma, obtaining disability benefits from the Social Security Administration (SSA) can help them to make ends meet.
Qualifying for disability benefits
To qualify for disability benefits, a mesothelioma patient must not be able to work to earn a living. This is known as being unable to perform a substantial gainful activity. Peritoneal mesothelioma is typically considered a qualifying condition because of its poor prognosis and the severity of associated symptoms.
The SSA recognizes mesothelioma under its Compassionate Allowances program, which fast-tracks claims for severe conditions. This includes peritoneal mesothelioma, so applicants can receive benefits more quickly.
Applying for disability benefits
When applying for disability benefits, it’s essential to provide thorough documentation of the diagnosis, including medical records, pathology reports and physician statements that detail the extent of the illness and how it impairs daily life. This information helps the SSA assess an applicant’s eligibility.
If a patient’s condition meets or equals the criteria listed in the SSA’s Blue Book, specifically under Section 13.15 for mesothelioma, their application is likely to be approved. The Blue Book outlines specific medical requirements that need to be met, but because peritoneal mesothelioma is recognized as a serious condition, many applications are approved without extensive delays.
Approval process
Once approved, a patient will begin receiving monthly disability benefits through the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program. These benefits can help to cover medical bills, cost of living and any other expenses that a patient has to deal with as they battle this condition.
By understanding that peritoneal mesothelioma qualifies for disability benefits through the SSA, patients and their families can work through the application process with greater confidence and secure the assistance they need. With that said, seeking legal assistance may be beneficial since the application process can be complex.